COVID Advice and Information
Risk Assessment and Management is always a crucial part of event planning and Encanta Event Management consider many potential disruptive threats which can occur at any time and affect the normal event delivery process. Encanta has a COVID-19 Planning Group who meet on a regular basis to continuously assess government updates and regulations to ensure our clients are in safe hands. We ensure all partners and suppliers have COVID-19 safe procedures in place and adhere to all government regulations and hygiene practices. Processes and procedures are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that we can adapt our client’s event program should government advice require change. Every potential risk or emergency situation is examined and an Encanta Event Risk Management Plan is put in place for all client events, including use of internationally recognised tools, such as the WHO – COVID Risk Assessment Checklist, as a guide. Our focus is on the level of event disruption which may arise and managing ongoing client, delegate, supplier, contractor and staff safety and security during all client events.
Below links offer the most up-to-date Australian Government and World Health Organisation information:
World Health Organisation (WHO) website link:
Domestic Business Event Grants
Who: Melbourne Convention Bureau
Where to find out more: The Melbourne Convention Bureau website.
Who: The NSW Government through Business Events Sydney
Where to find out more: Find them at
Who: Tourism and Events Queensland
Where to find out more: The Tourism and Events Queensland website
Who: Northern Territory Business Events
Where to find out more: Full details and an application form can be found on the Northern Territory Business Events website.
Who: Business Events Perth
Where to find out more: Business Events Perth’s website has all the details.
Who: Business Events Tasmania
Where to find out more: Business Events Tasmania website has all the details.